Assessing seismic hazards
From assessing site-specific seismic hazards to evaluating the seismically-induced demands on structures, we offer the entire spectrum of seismic services.
We emphasise performance-based design to eliminate unnecessary conservatism, help optimise design, offer cost-effective solutions and allow our clients to best manage seismic risk. To achieve this, we are constantly at the forefront of geotechnical earthquake engineering, shaping the state of practice in this field.
As a global leader in geotechnical earthquake engineering, we support our clients around the world. Our vast experience includes complex and challenging projects for the infrastructure, oil and gas, renewable energy, nuclear, and vertical construction industries. Services include:
- Seismic source characterisation and modelling
- Site-specific Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) studies
- Development of design ground motions
- Site response analyses and assessment of local site effects
- Liquefaction hazard assessments
- Liquefaction-induced demands
- Seismic slope stability evaluations
- Direct fault rupture hazard assessments
- Soil-structure interaction (SSI) evaluations
- Ground improvement design for seismic retrofit