Through our Roames service we combine innovative mapping techniques with cutting-edge data processing and cloud computing capabilities to deliver an accurate and dynamic 3D virtual model of power company assets

allows you to remotely investigate and monitor the condition and performance of your network in order to optimise investment and maintenance programmes. This reduces operational risks and costs, while improving safety and customer service. Roames enables you to observe, model and simulate your network.

Roames establishes and maintains a precise, high resolution, engineering quality model of your complete asset network providing annual savings of up to 40% compared with traditional asset management costs.

Asset management services provided through our monthly Roames subscription include a precise and complete 3D electricity model of every pole, wire and circuits – with connectivity and network voltages – and vegetation management tools that allow you to model vegetation against your specific business rules. Additional services include conductor clearance monitoring to assess risks and the evaluation of asset condition, providing individual assessment and tracking of the condition and defects of every pole, cross-arm and hardware, insulator, attachments and mounted equipment.

Through Roames, you can remotely inspect and evaluate the condition and performance of your network moving to proactive asset management and disaster recovery.

3D Virtual World

hosts an asset simulation environment through which you can investigate and monitor the condition and performance of your network. Our unique approach includes:

  • 3D model – innovative mapping techniques combined with cutting-edge data processing and cloud computing capabilities to deliver a complete and accurate 3D virtual model of your assets and the surrounding natural and built environment. 
  • Cloud delivery – Roames eliminates the need for in-house sourcing and management of spatial and big data. Our data is processed and stored in the cloud and presented in an interactive, 3D visualisation environment using Google Earth layers or through your existing GIS system. 
  • Annual updates – your entire network and environment is modelled and updated on an annual basis to monitor changes and inform our simulation algorithms for a more accurate assessment of risks. 

Roames’ virtual world services offer clients annual cost savings of up to 40% compared with traditional costs through reduced or eliminated infield inspection cycles, early defect discovery and preventative maintenance approaches, optimised strategic responses and work plans.

Vegetation Management

We provide inspection and risk analysis reporting of vegetation encroachments to your electrical distribution network. Analysis is based on Roames captured 3D virtual world of your network and surrounding natural and built environment. This service enables you to increase the safety and reliability of electricity supply and deliver cost savings through operational efficiencies and use of innovative treatment strategies. It includes:

  • Vegetation analysis – precise position of the real-world network location and configuration of your network location with all vegetation, removes your reliance on subjective field inspection for vegetation analysis. The virtual world is refreshed on an annual basis, to deliver up-to-date vegetation risk analysis and audits modelled against in-field assets.
  • Vegetation risk reports – provide valuable data for strategic planning and form the basis of a region-wide risk analysis. The categorisation and ranking is defined based on client and regulatory standards and proximity rules. The Roames capture programme supplies real-world co-ordinates and intrusion analysis results for every intrusion detected, providing immediate context and relevance for operational staff.
  • Annual monitoring cycle – within the first year of operation, Roames generates standard treatment profiles that are used as the basis for assigning risk, providing data for your strategic vegetation programme management planning. You can achieve savings in subsequent years by moving to less frequent vegetation treatment cycles, driven by monitored growth rates that are an actual result of varying bioregion and climatic conditions.
  • Risk mitigation – from a network overview, to a detailed view of a single tree in 3D or drill down reports, Roames provides you with instant visibility of vegetation status anywhere, at any level of aggregation. This mitigates risks of fire, electrocution, outages and non-compliance.

Roames provides a cost-effective and comprehensive inspection and analysis service to assess vegetation risk, reduce or eliminate costs associated with other methods of inspection and reduce the cost of managing vegetation treatment activity.

Conductor Clearance

Achieving and maintaining conductor ground clearance is an important safety and compliance issue. Our conductor ground clearance product provides an affordable means for electrical utilities to assess and manage risk in relation to conductor proximity to ground. 

  • Clearance analysis – Roames analyses clearances of all conductors, reporting their proximity to ground, roads, rivers and structures,  incorporating client-specific clearance defect categorisation. This results in actionable reporting provided directly to your operational staff.  The use of client clearance standards removes the additional cost and time required for additional analysis and interpretation after the Roames reporting has been delivered.
  • Clearance Reports – Roames provides reporting of ground clearances with classification against client defined clearance standards and regulatory requirements. We can provide an initial and annual snapshot of the location of all of your network’s conductors and report minimum ground clearance in relation to corresponding and current ground (terrain) models.
By precisely managing and monitoring the location of assets, maintenance programmes can be managed effectively to mitigate risk and reduce network incidents caused by low clearance conductors.
Asset Condition Assessment

Roames asset condition assessment provides high resolution imagery capture and analysis and detailed condition reporting of your electrical distribution network.  This enables you to verify the integrity of network assets (such as poles) and related sub-components (including cross-arms and insulators) to drive maintenance prioritisation to meet safety, risk and regulatory compliance standards. We provide a complete solution, from managing the aerial capture programme through to the expert analysis of asset condition and delivery of defect reporting and supporting visualisations.

  • High-resolution asset imagery – using airborne sensors high resolution digital imagery is collected over your network’s assets. The imagery provides the current state of pole structures, sub-components (including cross-arms and insulators) and attached equipment (such as transformers).
  • Condition analysis – our experienced and qualified line inspectors analyse and categorise defects identified from the imagery. Reports are prepared of assets with candidate defects and those prioritised for maintenance actions. Your specific asset maintenance standards are incorporated in the analysis, to provide reports that integrate seamlessly with your existing defect management processes.

Our service reduces the risk and significant investment required to perform ongoing, detailed and large scale asset inspections. 

Our seamless integration of multi-disciplinary expertise can provide you with:

  • A single point of reference across large-scale projects
  • Technical know-how
  • Global resources and project management combine in a rational and efficient way
  • The insight, the technology and the worldwide resource network to deliver project efficiencies, regardless of the size or location of the geothermal project.